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young woody 10:10 Wed Sep 14
West Brom away memories?
Losing 4.0 in the cup. Jesus wept what a shit day.
3 down down then ended up 3.3. The rise of Demba Ba!

You cunts?

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yngwies Cat 11:46 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Yea. The cold, the fog,and the bog with no roof.

wanstead_hammer 9:16 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
The 1980 cup game and someone letting of a thunderflash that they used to use on the railways, when they scored and everyone was trying to get at em.
The 1986 one , when a cunt of a copper said that chelsea were 1 up against the mickeys. Different versions coming through. Everyone going mad till it filtered through that it was the sweaty daglish that had scored. We was up and down like tower bridge.
Then the recent 4-0 Cup game. What a fucking nightmare. Started early on the Hornchurch coach when a car hit the back of us just as we got out of Hornchurch! Knew it would be one of those days!

We'll beat em Saturday.

dicksie3 9:01 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Palace Away will be my first this season.

Unless we're still in the League Cup and we have a tasty draw Away somewhere.

I've not even bothered looking when the next round of the League Cup is after round 3 though so it might even be after Palace Away... Who knows/cares.

Buster 8:56 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
5k and upgrading kid's tickets don't go well together...

Fifth Column 8:53 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
I have three spares. They are all kids tickets but last season I contacted WBA ticket office in advance and they said it's fine to just turn up before the match to their own ticket office and upgrade it to an adult ticket. Anyone interested can WHOmail me. Best to double check with WBA ticket office in advance to make sure they've not changed their policy but it's more money for them so I don't they'll have changed anything.

wansteadman 8:52 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
First away game outside London I was 11, Lacey's coach all I remember is the last few supporters going through the turnstiles got dragged back out and got a clump. The turnstiles went to the top so people inside could get out again. No idea of the score. 1969 ish

Buster 8:51 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
joey5000 8:14 Wed Sep 14

Saw that someone bagged one from the ticketing site today so there must have been some returns. They may still have some.

Buster 8:43 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
mallard 8:01 Wed Sep 14

You said it took two weeks having to talk her into it. For Valentines Day of all things.

Some proper saps on here, surprised some of you are allowed to go to football at all.

joey5000 8:14 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
The 3-3
The 3-0 although I had a shocker in the Guineas that day which had given me the hump.

Any spares floating about for this?

WSM Hammer 8:13 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Only ever been there once and it was my first ever away game - 3rd May 1986
Won 3-2 but news had come through that Liverpool had beaten Chelsea 1-0 so the league charge was over.
funnily enough I saw the programme and match ticket for this game whilst I was in the loft on Sunday

fred flinstone 8:10 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
1986 -2-3 win - nothing else comes close - although we did !!

Troy McClure 8:04 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Deano 1-1 we were shit
Losing 3-2 Parker missed sitter last min

Decent away day for me - only hour and 10 up the m5. If only all grounds were so handily placed

mallard 8:01 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Did I say begging??

Read the post properly

Buster 7:02 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
You had to spend two weeks begging because it was Valentines Day?

Grow a pair of bollocks ffs.

mallard 6:58 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
That fucking 4-0 was Valentines Day as well - spent 2 weeks talking the missus into it.

Trains were a nightmare that day, after Armfiltado got sent off, we left and still had to que for ages for 3 separate trains home.

Worst away day ever!

Alex G 6:45 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Only been the once, which was the 3-3 game.

Fifteen minutes in, we were lucky to only be 2-0 down the folk sat next to me got up and left they were that appalled. Must have been gutted to miss the second half.

From memory Carlton Cole had a goal disallowed in the first half that should have been given. Mind you, if we'd got that Scotty Parker might not have given his inspirational team talk that got us going.

Northern Sold 6:26 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?

* shudders *

Brussels Sprout 6:25 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Few year back under AVRAM. 3-0 down at ht, ended up drawing 3-3. Could even have won it with a late header I think from Picquionne.

Northern Sold 6:16 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?

mentor 3:43 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?

Drove in my car and drove home in my car. Coach this time round but I like my car.

Fucking hell whose the poor sod that's got to suffer sitting next to you ??

Your car is a bit of a classic mentor son??


The Stoat 5:37 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
Behind the goal, if you look closely you will see me about 4.01 going mental ;-)


Fortunes Hiding 4:35 Wed Sep 14
Re: West Brom away memories?
That's right Johnson.

It wasn't my best performance.

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